-- | This module provides a library interface that is intended to be
-- the complete API for Shelley covering everything, including
-- exposing constructors for the lower level types.
module Cardano.Api.Shelley
  ( module Cardano.Api

    -- * Genesis
  , ShelleyGenesis (..)
  , shelleyGenesisDefaults
  , alonzoGenesisDefaults
  , decodeAlonzoGenesis
  , conwayGenesisDefaults

    -- * Cryptographic key interface
    -- $keys
  , Key (..)
  , VerificationKey (..)
  , SigningKey (..)

    -- * Hashes
  , Hash (..)

    -- * Type Proxies
  , AsType (..)

    -- * Payment addresses

    -- | Constructing and inspecting Shelley payment addresses
  , Address (ShelleyAddress)
  , toShelleyAddr
  , fromShelleyAddr
  , fromShelleyAddrIsSbe
  , fromShelleyAddrToAny
  , toShelleyStakeCredential
  , fromShelleyStakeCredential
  , NetworkId (Mainnet, Testnet)

    -- * Stake addresses
  , PaymentCredential (..)
  , StakeAddress (..)
  , StakeAddressReference (..)
  , StakeCredential (..)
  , toShelleyStakeAddr
  , fromShelleyStakeAddr
  , fromShelleyStakeReference
  , fromShelleyPaymentCredential

    -- * Building transactions

    -- | Constructing and inspecting transactions
  , TxBody (ShelleyTxBody)
  , TxId (TxId)
  , toShelleyTxId
  , fromShelleyTxId
  , getTxIdShelley
  , TxIn (TxIn)
  , toShelleyTxIn
  , fromShelleyTxIn
  , TxOut (TxOut)
  , toShelleyTxOut
  , fromShelleyTxOut
  , TxIx (TxIx)
  , toMaryValue
  , fromMaryValue
  , calcMinimumDeposit

    -- * Arbitrary signing
  , signArbitraryBytesKes

    -- * Signing transactions

    -- | Creating transaction witnesses one by one, or all in one go.
  , Tx (ShelleyTx)

    -- ** Incremental signing and separate witnesses
  , KeyWitness
    ( ShelleyBootstrapWitness
    , ShelleyKeyWitness
  , ShelleyWitnessSigningKey
    ( WitnessPaymentKey
    , WitnessPaymentExtendedKey
    , WitnessStakeKey
    , WitnessStakeExtendedKey
    , WitnessStakePoolKey
    , WitnessGenesisKey
    , WitnessGenesisExtendedKey
    , WitnessGenesisDelegateKey
    , WitnessGenesisDelegateExtendedKey
  , ShelleySigningKey (..)
  , getShelleyKeyWitnessVerificationKey
  , getTxBodyAndWitnesses
  , makeShelleySignature
  , toShelleySigningKey

    -- * Blocks
  , fromConsensusBlock
  , toConsensusBlock
  , fromConsensusTip
  , fromConsensusPointHF
  , toConsensusPointHF

    -- * Transaction metadata

    -- | Embedding additional structured data within transactions.
  , toShelleyMetadata
  , fromShelleyMetadata
  , toShelleyMetadatum
  , fromShelleyMetadatum

    -- * Protocol parameters
  , LedgerProtocolParameters (..)
  , EraBasedProtocolParametersUpdate (..)
  , CommonProtocolParametersUpdate (..)
  , AlonzoOnwardsPParams (..)
  , DeprecatedAfterBabbagePParams (..)
  , DeprecatedAfterMaryPParams (..)
  , ShelleyToAlonzoPParams (..)
  , IntroducedInBabbagePParams (..)
  , IntroducedInConwayPParams (..)
  , createEraBasedProtocolParamUpdate
  , convertToLedgerProtocolParameters
  , ProtocolParameters (..)
  , checkProtocolParameters
  , ProtocolParametersError (..)

    -- * Scripts
  , fromShelleyBasedScript
  , toShelleyScript
  , toShelleyMultiSig
  , fromShelleyMultiSig
  , toAllegraTimelock
  , fromAllegraTimelock
  , toShelleyScriptHash
  , fromShelleyScriptHash
  , PlutusScript (..)
  , PlutusScriptOrReferenceInput (..)
  , SimpleScriptOrReferenceInput (..)
  , toPlutusData
  , fromPlutusData
  , toAlonzoData
  , fromAlonzoData
  , toAlonzoPrices
  , fromAlonzoPrices
  , toAlonzoExUnits
  , fromAlonzoExUnits
  , toScriptIndex
  , scriptDataFromJsonDetailedSchema
  , scriptDataToJsonDetailedSchema
  , calculateExecutionUnitsLovelace

    -- * Reference Scripts
  , ReferenceScript (..)
  , refScriptToShelleyScript

    -- * Certificates
  , Certificate (..)
  , toShelleyCertificate
  , fromShelleyCertificate
  , toShelleyPoolParams

    -- ** Operational certificates
  , OperationalCertificate (OperationalCertificate)
  , OperationalCertificateIssueCounter (..)
  , OperationalCertIssueError (..)

    -- * Stake Pool
  , StakePoolMetadata (StakePoolMetadata)
  , stakePoolName
  , stakePoolDescription
  , stakePoolTicker
  , stakePoolHomepage
  , StakePoolMetadataReference (StakePoolMetadataReference)
  , stakePoolMetadataURL
  , stakePoolMetadataHash
  , StakePoolParameters (StakePoolParameters)
  , stakePoolId
  , stakePoolVRF
  , stakePoolCost
  , stakePoolMargin
  , stakePoolRewardAccount
  , stakePoolPledge
  , stakePoolOwners
  , stakePoolRelays
  , stakePoolMetadata
  , StakePoolRelay
    ( StakePoolRelayIp
    , StakePoolRelayDnsARecord
    , StakePoolRelayDnsSrvRecord
  , EpochNo (..)

    -- * Governance Actions
  , createAnchor
  , createPreviousGovernanceActionId
  , createGovernanceActionId

    -- * DRep
  , DRepMetadata (DRepMetadata)
  , DRepMetadataReference (DRepMetadataReference)

    -- ** Stake pool operator's keys
  , StakePoolKey
  , PoolId

    -- ** KES keys
  , KesKey
  , KESPeriod (..)

    -- ** VRF keys
  , VrfKey

    -- ** Low level protocol interaction with a Cardano node
  , LocalNodeConnectInfo (LocalNodeConnectInfo)
  , LocalNodeClientProtocols (LocalNodeClientProtocols)

    -- ** Shelley based eras
  , ShelleyLedgerEra

    -- *** Ledger Events
  , LedgerEvent (..)
  , AnyProposals (..)
  , AnyRatificationState (..)
  , MIRDistributionDetails (..)
  , PoolReapDetails (..)
  , toLedgerEvent

    -- ** Local State Query
  , DebugLedgerState (..)
  , decodeDebugLedgerState
  , ProtocolState (..)
  , decodeProtocolState
  , SerialisedDebugLedgerState (..)
  , CurrentEpochState (..)
  , SerialisedCurrentEpochState (..)
  , decodeCurrentEpochState
  , PoolState (..)
  , SerialisedPoolState (..)
  , decodePoolState
  , PoolDistribution (..)
  , SerialisedPoolDistribution (..)
  , decodePoolDistribution
  , StakeSnapshot (..)
  , SerialisedStakeSnapshots (..)
  , decodeStakeSnapshot
  , decodeBigLedgerPeerSnapshot
  , UTxO (..)
  , AcquiringFailure (..)
  , SystemStart (..)

    -- ** Governance
  , GovernanceAction (..)
  , GovernanceActionId (..)
  , Proposal (..)
  , VotingProcedure (..)
  , VotingProcedures (..)
  , GovernancePoll (..)
  , GovernancePollAnswer (..)
  , GovernancePollError (..)
  , Vote (..)
  , Voter (..)
  , createProposalProcedure
  , createVotingProcedure
  , renderGovernancePollError
  , fromProposalProcedure
  , hashGovernancePoll
  , verifyPollAnswer

    -- ** Various calculations
  , LeadershipError (..)
  , currentEpochEligibleLeadershipSlots
  , evaluateTransactionExecutionUnitsShelley
  , nextEpochEligibleLeadershipSlots

    -- ** Conversions
  , shelleyPayAddrToPlutusPubKHash
  , toConsensusGenTx
  , fromAlonzoCostModels
  -- TODO: arrange not to export these
  , toLedgerNonce
  , toShelleyNetwork
  , fromShelleyPoolParams
  , fromLedgerPParamsUpdate
  , emptyVotingProcedures
  , mergeVotingProcedures
  , singletonVotingProcedures
  , VotesMergingConflict (..)

import           Cardano.Api
import           Cardano.Api.Address
import           Cardano.Api.Block
import           Cardano.Api.Certificate
import           Cardano.Api.DRepMetadata
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.ShelleyBasedEra
import           Cardano.Api.Fees
import           Cardano.Api.Genesis
import           Cardano.Api.Governance.Actions.ProposalProcedure
import           Cardano.Api.Governance.Actions.VotingProcedure
import           Cardano.Api.Governance.Poll
import           Cardano.Api.InMode
import           Cardano.Api.IPC
import           Cardano.Api.Keys.Praos
import           Cardano.Api.Keys.Shelley
import           Cardano.Api.LedgerEvents.ConvertLedgerEvent
import           Cardano.Api.LedgerEvents.LedgerEvent
import           Cardano.Api.LedgerState
import           Cardano.Api.NetworkId
import           Cardano.Api.OperationalCertificate
import           Cardano.Api.ProtocolParameters
import           Cardano.Api.Query
import           Cardano.Api.Script
import           Cardano.Api.ScriptData
import           Cardano.Api.StakePoolMetadata
import           Cardano.Api.Tx.Body
import           Cardano.Api.Tx.Sign
import           Cardano.Api.TxMetadata
import           Cardano.Api.Value