{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | DRep off-chain metadata
module Cardano.Api.Internal.DRepMetadata
  ( -- * DRep off-chain metadata
    DRepMetadata (..)
  , hashDRepMetadata

    -- * Data family instances
  , AsType (..)
  , Hash (..)

import Cardano.Api.Internal.Eras
import Cardano.Api.Internal.HasTypeProxy
import Cardano.Api.Internal.Hash
import Cardano.Api.Internal.Keys.Byron
import Cardano.Api.Internal.Keys.Praos
import Cardano.Api.Internal.Script
import Cardano.Api.Internal.SerialiseRaw

import Cardano.Crypto.Hash.Class qualified as Crypto
import Cardano.Ledger.Crypto (StandardCrypto)
import Cardano.Ledger.Keys qualified as Shelley

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Either.Combinators (maybeToRight)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- DRep metadata

-- | A representation of the required fields for off-chain drep metadata.
newtype DRepMetadata = DRepMetadata
  { DRepMetadata -> ByteString
unDRepMetadata :: ByteString
  deriving (DRepMetadata -> DRepMetadata -> Bool
(DRepMetadata -> DRepMetadata -> Bool)
-> (DRepMetadata -> DRepMetadata -> Bool) -> Eq DRepMetadata
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: DRepMetadata -> DRepMetadata -> Bool
== :: DRepMetadata -> DRepMetadata -> Bool
$c/= :: DRepMetadata -> DRepMetadata -> Bool
/= :: DRepMetadata -> DRepMetadata -> Bool
Eq, Int -> DRepMetadata -> ShowS
[DRepMetadata] -> ShowS
DRepMetadata -> String
(Int -> DRepMetadata -> ShowS)
-> (DRepMetadata -> String)
-> ([DRepMetadata] -> ShowS)
-> Show DRepMetadata
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> DRepMetadata -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> DRepMetadata -> ShowS
$cshow :: DRepMetadata -> String
show :: DRepMetadata -> String
$cshowList :: [DRepMetadata] -> ShowS
showList :: [DRepMetadata] -> ShowS

newtype instance Hash DRepMetadata = DRepMetadataHash (Shelley.Hash StandardCrypto ByteString)
  deriving (Hash DRepMetadata -> Hash DRepMetadata -> Bool
(Hash DRepMetadata -> Hash DRepMetadata -> Bool)
-> (Hash DRepMetadata -> Hash DRepMetadata -> Bool)
-> Eq (Hash DRepMetadata)
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: Hash DRepMetadata -> Hash DRepMetadata -> Bool
== :: Hash DRepMetadata -> Hash DRepMetadata -> Bool
$c/= :: Hash DRepMetadata -> Hash DRepMetadata -> Bool
/= :: Hash DRepMetadata -> Hash DRepMetadata -> Bool
Eq, Int -> Hash DRepMetadata -> ShowS
[Hash DRepMetadata] -> ShowS
Hash DRepMetadata -> String
(Int -> Hash DRepMetadata -> ShowS)
-> (Hash DRepMetadata -> String)
-> ([Hash DRepMetadata] -> ShowS)
-> Show (Hash DRepMetadata)
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Hash DRepMetadata -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> Hash DRepMetadata -> ShowS
$cshow :: Hash DRepMetadata -> String
show :: Hash DRepMetadata -> String
$cshowList :: [Hash DRepMetadata] -> ShowS
showList :: [Hash DRepMetadata] -> ShowS

instance HasTypeProxy DRepMetadata where
  data AsType DRepMetadata = AsDRepMetadata
  proxyToAsType :: Proxy DRepMetadata -> AsType DRepMetadata
  proxyToAsType :: Proxy DRepMetadata -> AsType DRepMetadata
proxyToAsType Proxy DRepMetadata
_ = AsType DRepMetadata

instance SerialiseAsRawBytes (Hash DRepMetadata) where
  serialiseToRawBytes :: Hash DRepMetadata -> ByteString
  serialiseToRawBytes :: Hash DRepMetadata -> ByteString
serialiseToRawBytes (DRepMetadataHash Hash StandardCrypto ByteString
h) = Hash Blake2b_256 ByteString -> ByteString
forall h a. Hash h a -> ByteString
Crypto.hashToBytes Hash Blake2b_256 ByteString
Hash StandardCrypto ByteString

    :: AsType (Hash DRepMetadata) -> ByteString -> Either SerialiseAsRawBytesError (Hash DRepMetadata)
  deserialiseFromRawBytes :: AsType (Hash DRepMetadata)
-> ByteString
-> Either SerialiseAsRawBytesError (Hash DRepMetadata)
deserialiseFromRawBytes (AsHash AsType DRepMetadata
AsDRepMetadata) ByteString
bs =
-> Maybe (Hash DRepMetadata)
-> Either SerialiseAsRawBytesError (Hash DRepMetadata)
forall b a. b -> Maybe a -> Either b a
maybeToRight (String -> SerialiseAsRawBytesError
SerialiseAsRawBytesError String
"Unable to deserialise Hash DRepMetadata") (Maybe (Hash DRepMetadata)
 -> Either SerialiseAsRawBytesError (Hash DRepMetadata))
-> Maybe (Hash DRepMetadata)
-> Either SerialiseAsRawBytesError (Hash DRepMetadata)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      Hash Blake2b_256 ByteString -> Hash DRepMetadata
Hash StandardCrypto ByteString -> Hash DRepMetadata
DRepMetadataHash (Hash Blake2b_256 ByteString -> Hash DRepMetadata)
-> Maybe (Hash Blake2b_256 ByteString) -> Maybe (Hash DRepMetadata)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ByteString -> Maybe (Hash Blake2b_256 ByteString)
forall h a. HashAlgorithm h => ByteString -> Maybe (Hash h a)
Crypto.hashFromBytes ByteString

-- | Return the decoded metadata and the hash of the original bytes.
  :: ByteString
  -> (DRepMetadata, Hash DRepMetadata)
hashDRepMetadata :: ByteString -> (DRepMetadata, Hash DRepMetadata)
hashDRepMetadata ByteString
bs =
  let md :: DRepMetadata
md = ByteString -> DRepMetadata
DRepMetadata ByteString
      mdh :: Hash DRepMetadata
mdh = Hash StandardCrypto ByteString -> Hash DRepMetadata
DRepMetadataHash ((ByteString -> ByteString)
-> ByteString -> Hash Blake2b_256 ByteString
forall h a. HashAlgorithm h => (a -> ByteString) -> a -> Hash h a
Crypto.hashWith ByteString -> ByteString
forall a. a -> a
id ByteString
   in (DRepMetadata
md, Hash DRepMetadata