{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

-- | This module provides a library interface for interacting with Cardano as
-- a user of the system.
-- It is intended to be the complete API covering everything but without exposing
-- constructors that reveal any lower level types.
-- In the interest of simplicity it glosses over some details of the system.
-- Most simple tools should be able to work just using this interface,
-- however you can go deeper and expose the types from the underlying libraries
-- using "Cardano.Api.Byron" or "Cardano.Api.Shelley".
module Cardano.Api
  ( -- * Eras
  , ShelleyEra
  , AllegraEra
  , MaryEra
  , AlonzoEra
  , BabbageEra
  , ConwayEra
  , CardanoEra (..)
  , IsCardanoEra (..)
  , AnyCardanoEra (..)
  , anyCardanoEra
  , InAnyCardanoEra (..)
  , inAnyCardanoEra
  , cardanoEraConstraints
  , ToCardanoEra (..)

    -- * Eon support
  , Eon (..)
  , EraInEon (..)
  , inEonForEraMaybe
  , forEraInEon
  , forEraInEonMaybe
  , forEraMaybeEon
  , maybeEon
  , monoidForEraInEon
  , monoidForEraInEonA
  , inEonForShelleyBasedEra
  , inEonForShelleyBasedEraMaybe
  , forShelleyBasedEraInEon
  , forShelleyBasedEraInEonMaybe
  , forShelleyBasedEraMaybeEon
  , Featured (..)
  , mkFeatured
  , unFeatured
  , asFeaturedInEra
  , asFeaturedInShelleyBasedEra
  , Convert (..)
  , Inject (..)

    -- * Eons

    -- ** From Byron
  , ByronToAlonzoEra (..)
  , byronToAlonzoEraConstraints

    -- ** From Shelley
  , ShelleyEraOnly (..)
  , shelleyEraOnlyConstraints
  , shelleyEraOnlyToShelleyBasedEra
  , ShelleyToAllegraEra (..)
  , shelleyToAllegraEraConstraints
  , shelleyToAllegraEraToShelleyBasedEra
  , ShelleyToMaryEra (..)
  , shelleyToMaryEraConstraints
  , shelleyToMaryEraToShelleyBasedEra
  , ShelleyToAlonzoEra (..)
  , shelleyToAlonzoEraConstraints
  , shelleyToAlonzoEraToShelleyBasedEra
  , ShelleyToBabbageEra (..)
  , shelleyToBabbageEraConstraints
  , shelleyToBabbageEraToShelleyBasedEra
  , ShelleyBasedEra (..)
  , IsShelleyBasedEra (..)
  , AnyShelleyBasedEra (..)
  , InAnyShelleyBasedEra (..)
  , inAnyShelleyBasedEra
  , shelleyBasedEraConstraints

    -- ** From Allegra
  , AllegraEraOnwards (..)
  , IsAllegraBasedEra (..)

    -- ** From Mary
  , MaryEraOnwards (..)
  , maryEraOnwardsConstraints
  , maryEraOnwardsToShelleyBasedEra
  , IsMaryBasedEra (..)

    -- ** From Alonzo
  , AlonzoEraOnwards (..)
  , alonzoEraOnwardsConstraints
  , alonzoEraOnwardsToShelleyBasedEra
  , IsAlonzoBasedEra (..)

    -- ** From Babbage
  , BabbageEraOnwards (..)
  , babbageEraOnwardsConstraints
  , babbageEraOnwardsToShelleyBasedEra
  , IsBabbageBasedEra (..)

    -- ** From Conway
  , ConwayEraOnwards (..)
  , conwayEraOnwardsConstraints
  , conwayEraOnwardsToShelleyBasedEra
  , conwayEraOnwardsToBabbageEraOnwards
  , IsConwayBasedEra (..)

    -- * Era case handling

    -- ** Case on CardanoEra
  , caseByronOrShelleyBasedEra
  , caseByronToAlonzoOrBabbageEraOnwards

    -- ** Case on ShelleyBasedEra
  , caseShelleyEraOnlyOrAllegraEraOnwards
  , caseShelleyToAllegraOrMaryEraOnwards
  , caseShelleyToMaryOrAlonzoEraOnwards
  , caseShelleyToAlonzoOrBabbageEraOnwards
  , caseShelleyToBabbageOrConwayEraOnwards

    -- ** Eon relaxation

    -- *** for AlonzoEraOnly
  , shelleyToAlonzoEraToShelleyToBabbageEra

    -- *** for AlonzoEraOnwards
  , alonzoEraOnwardsToMaryEraOnwards

    -- *** for BabbageEraOnwards
  , babbageEraOnwardsToMaryEraOnwards
  , babbageEraOnwardsToAlonzoEraOnwards

    -- *** Assertions on era
  , requireShelleyBasedEra

    -- ** IO
  , File (..)
  , FileDirection (..)
  , mapFile
  , onlyIn
  , onlyOut
  , intoFile
  , readByteStringFile
  , readLazyByteStringFile
  , readTextFile
  , writeByteStringFileWithOwnerPermissions
  , writeByteStringFile
  , writeByteStringOutput
  , writeLazyByteStringFileWithOwnerPermissions
  , writeLazyByteStringFile
  , writeLazyByteStringOutput
  , writeTextFileWithOwnerPermissions
  , writeTextFile
  , writeTextOutput

    -- * Type tags
  , HasTypeProxy (..)
  , AsType (..)

    -- * Cryptographic key interface
    -- $keys
  , Key (..)
  , SigningKey (..)
  , VerificationKey (..)
  , castVerificationKey
  , castSigningKey
  , generateSigningKey
  , generateInsecureSigningKey

    -- ** Hashes

    -- | In Cardano most keys are identified by their hash, and hashes are
    -- used in many other places.
  , Hash
  , castHash
  , renderSafeHashAsHex

    -- * Payment addresses

    -- | Constructing and inspecting normal payment addresses
  , Address (..)
  , ByronAddr
  , ShelleyAddr
  , NetworkId (..)

    -- ** Byron addresses
  , makeByronAddress
  , ByronKey
  , ByronKeyLegacy

    -- ** Shelley addresses
  , makeShelleyAddress
  , PaymentCredential (..)
  , StakeAddressPointer (..)
  , StakeAddressReference (..)
  , PaymentKey
  , PaymentExtendedKey

    -- ** Addresses in any era
  , AddressAny (..)
  , lexPlausibleAddressString
  , parseAddressAny

    -- ** Addresses in specific eras
  , AddressInEra (..)
  , isKeyAddress
  , AddressTypeInEra (..)
  , byronAddressInEra
  , shelleyAddressInEra
  , anyAddressInShelleyBasedEra
  , anyAddressInEra
  , toAddressAny
  , makeByronAddressInEra
  , makeShelleyAddressInEra

    -- * Stake addresses

    -- | Constructing and inspecting stake addresses
  , StakeAddress
  , StakeCredential
  , makeStakeAddress
  , stakeAddressCredential
  , StakeKey
  , StakeExtendedKey

    -- ** Multi-asset values
  , Quantity (..)
  , PolicyId (..)
  , scriptPolicyId
  , AssetName (..)
  , AssetId (..)
  , Value
  , ParserValueRole (..)
  , parseValue
  , parsePolicyId
  , parseAssetName
  , parseTxOutMultiAssetValue
  , parseMintingMultiAssetValue
  , parseUTxOValue
  , selectAsset
  , valueFromList
  , valueToList
  , filterValue
  , negateValue
  , ValueNestedRep (..)
  , ValueNestedBundle (..)
  , valueToNestedRep
  , valueFromNestedRep
  , renderValue
  , renderValuePretty
  , toLedgerValue
  , fromLedgerValue

    -- ** Ada \/ Lovelace within multi-asset values
  , Lovelace
  , quantityToLovelace
  , lovelaceToQuantity
  , selectLovelace
  , lovelaceToValue
  , valueToLovelace

    -- * Blocks

    -- ** Blocks in the context of an era
  , Block (..)
  , pattern Block
  , BlockHeader (..)
  , getBlockHeader

    -- ** Points on the chain
  , ChainPoint (..)
  , EpochNo (..)

    -- ** Tip of the chain
  , ChainTip (..)
  , BlockNo (..)
  , chainTipToChainPoint

    -- * Building transactions

    -- * Building transactions

    -- | Constructing and inspecting transactions

    -- ** Transaction bodies
  , TxBody (..)
  , createTransactionBody
  , createAndValidateTransactionBody
  , makeByronTransactionBody
  , TxBodyContent (..)
  , getTxBodyContent

    -- ** Transaction body builders
  , defaultTxBodyContent
  , defaultTxFee
  , defaultTxValidityUpperBound
  , setTxIns
  , modTxIns
  , addTxIns
  , addTxIn
  , setTxInsCollateral
  , modTxInsCollateral
  , addTxInsCollateral
  , addTxInCollateral
  , setTxInsReference
  , modTxInsReference
  , addTxInsReference
  , addTxInReference
  , setTxOuts
  , modTxOuts
  , addTxOuts
  , addTxOut
  , setTxTotalCollateral
  , modTxTotalCollateral
  , setTxReturnCollateral
  , modTxReturnCollateral
  , setTxFee
  , modTxFee
  , setTxValidityLowerBound
  , modTxValidityLowerBound
  , setTxValidityUpperBound
  , modTxValidityUpperBound
  , setTxMetadata
  , modTxMetadata
  , setTxAuxScripts
  , modTxAuxScripts
  , setTxExtraKeyWits
  , modTxExtraKeyWits
  , addTxExtraKeyWits
  , setTxProtocolParams
  , setTxWithdrawals
  , modTxWithdrawals
  , setTxCertificates
  , modTxCertificates
  , setTxUpdateProposal
  , modTxUpdateProposal
  , setTxMintValue
  , modTxMintValue
  , addTxMintValue
  , subtractTxMintValue
  , setTxScriptValidity
  , modTxScriptValidity
  , setTxProposalProcedures
  , setTxVotingProcedures
  , setTxCurrentTreasuryValue
  , setTxTreasuryDonation
  , TxBodyError (..)
  , TxBodyScriptData (..)

    -- ** Transaction Ids
  , TxId (..)
  , getTxId
  , getTxIdByron

    -- ** Transaction inputs
  , TxIn (TxIn)
  , TxIns
  , TxIx (TxIx)
  , renderTxIn
  , getReferenceInputsSizeForTxIds

    -- ** Transaction outputs
  , CtxTx
  , CtxUTxO
  , TxOut (TxOut)
  , TxOutValue (..)
  , TxOutInAnyEra (..)
  , txOutInAnyEra
  , txOutValueToLovelace
  , txOutValueToValue
  , lovelaceToTxOutValue
  , TxOutDatum (..)
  , parseHash

    -- ** Other transaction body types
  , TxInsCollateral (..)
  , TxInsReference (..)
  , TxTotalCollateral (..)
  , TxReturnCollateral (..)
  , TxFee (..)
  , TxValidityLowerBound (..)
  , TxValidityUpperBound (..)
  , SlotNo (..)
  , EpochSlots (..)
  , TxMetadataInEra (..)
  , TxAuxScripts (..)
  , TxExtraKeyWitnesses (..)
  , TxWithdrawals (..)
  , TxCertificates (..)
  , TxUpdateProposal (..)
  , TxMintValue (..)
  , txMintValueToValue
  , indexTxMintValue
  , TxVotingProcedures (..)
  , mkTxVotingProcedures
  , TxProposalProcedures (..)
  , mkTxProposalProcedures
  , convProposalProcedures

    -- ** Building vs viewing transactions
  , BuildTxWith (..)
  , BuildTx
  , ViewTx
  , buildTxWithToMaybe

    -- ** Fee calculation
  , LedgerEpochInfo (..)
  , toLedgerEpochInfo
  , evaluateTransactionFee
  , calculateMinTxFee
  , estimateTransactionKeyWitnessCount

    -- ** Minimum required UTxO calculation
  , calculateMinimumUTxO

    -- ** Script execution units
  , evaluateTransactionExecutionUnits
  , ScriptExecutionError (..)
  , TransactionValidityError (..)

    -- ** Transaction balance
  , evaluateTransactionBalance

    -- ** Building transactions with automated fees and balancing
  , estimateBalancedTxBody
  , estimateOrCalculateBalancedTxBody
  , makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance
  , AutoBalanceError (..)
  , BalancedTxBody (..)
  , FeeEstimationMode (..)
  , RequiredShelleyKeyWitnesses (..)
  , RequiredByronKeyWitnesses (..)
  , TotalReferenceScriptsSize (..)
  , TxFeeEstimationError (..)
  , TxBodyErrorAutoBalance (..)
  , TxScriptValidity (..)
  , ScriptValidity (..)
  , txScriptValidityToScriptValidity

    -- * Signing transactions

    -- | Creating transaction witnesses one by one, or all in one go.
  , Tx (Tx)
  , getTxBody
  , getTxWitnesses

    -- ** Signing in one go
  , signByronTransaction
  , signShelleyTransaction

    -- ** Incremental signing and separate witnesses
  , makeSignedByronTransaction
  , makeSignedTransaction
  , KeyWitness
  , makeByronKeyWitness
  , ShelleyWitnessSigningKey (..)
  , makeShelleyKeyWitness
  , makeShelleyBootstrapWitness

    -- * Transaction metadata

    -- | Embedding additional structured data within transactions.
  , TxMetadata (..)
  , AsTxMetadata (..)

    -- ** Constructing metadata
  , TxMetadataValue (..)
  , makeTransactionMetadata
  , mergeTransactionMetadata
  , metaTextChunks
  , metaBytesChunks

    -- ** Validating metadata
  , validateTxMetadata
  , TxMetadataRangeError (..)

    -- ** Conversion to\/from JSON
  , TxMetadataJsonSchema (..)
  , metadataFromJson
  , metadataToJson
  , metadataValueFromJsonNoSchema
  , metadataValueToJsonNoSchema
  , TxMetadataJsonError (..)
  , TxMetadataJsonSchemaError (..)

    -- * Governance action metadata
  , CIP108 (..)

    -- ** DRep Metadata
  , DRepMetadata
  , DRepMetadataReference
  , hashDRepMetadata
  , CIP119 (..)

    -- * Certificates
  , Certificate (..)

    -- ** Registering stake address and delegating

    -- | Certificates that are embedded in transactions for registering and
    -- unregistering stake address, and for setting the stake pool delegation
    -- choice for a stake address.
  , StakeAddressRequirements (..)
  , StakeDelegationRequirements (..)
  , makeStakeAddressDelegationCertificate
  , makeStakeAddressRegistrationCertificate
  , makeStakeAddressUnregistrationCertificate
  , makeStakeAddressAndDRepDelegationCertificate

    -- ** Registering stake pools

    -- | Certificates that are embedded in transactions for registering and
    -- retiring stake pools. This includes updating the stake pool parameters.
  , StakePoolRegistrationRequirements (..)
  , StakePoolRetirementRequirements (..)
  , makeStakePoolRegistrationCertificate
  , makeStakePoolRetirementCertificate
  , StakePoolParameters
  , StakePoolRelay
  , StakePoolMetadataReference

    -- ** Anchor data
  , AnchorDataFromCertificateError (..)
  , getAnchorDataFromCertificate
  , isDRepRegOrUpdateCert

    -- * Rewards
  , DelegationsAndRewards (..)
  , mergeDelegsAndRewards

    -- * Stake pool off-chain metadata
  , StakePoolMetadata
  , validateAndHashStakePoolMetadata
  , StakePoolMetadataValidationError (..)

    -- * Scripts

    -- | Both 'PaymentCredential's and 'StakeCredential's can use scripts.

    -- ** Script languages
  , SimpleScript'
  , PlutusScriptV1
  , PlutusScriptV2
  , PlutusScriptV3
  , ScriptLanguage (..)
  , PlutusScriptVersion (..)
  , AnyScriptLanguage (..)
  , AnyPlutusScriptVersion (..)
  , IsPlutusScriptLanguage (..)
  , IsScriptLanguage (..)

    -- ** Scripts in a specific language
  , Script (..)

    -- ** Scripts in any language
  , ScriptInAnyLang (..)
  , toScriptInAnyLang

    -- ** Scripts in a specific era
  , ScriptInEra (..)
  , toScriptInEra
  , eraOfScriptInEra
  , HasScriptLanguageInEra (..)
  , ToAlonzoScript (..)
  , AlonzoEraOnwardsConstraints

    -- ** Use of a script in an era as a witness
  , WitCtxTxIn
  , WitCtxMint
  , WitCtxStake
  , WitCtx (..)
  , ScriptWitness (..)
  , getScriptWitnessScript
  , getScriptWitnessReferenceInput
  , getScriptWitnessReferenceInputOrScript
  , Witness (..)
  , KeyWitnessInCtx (..)
  , ScriptWitnessInCtx (..)
  , IsScriptWitnessInCtx (..)
  , ScriptDatum (..)
  , ScriptRedeemer

    -- ** Inspecting 'ScriptWitness'es
  , AnyScriptWitness (..)
  , ScriptWitnessIndex (..)
  , renderScriptWitnessIndex
  , collectTxBodyScriptWitnesses

    -- ** Languages supported in each era
  , ScriptLanguageInEra (..)
  , scriptLanguageSupportedInEra
  , sbeToSimpleScriptLanguageInEra
  , languageOfScriptLanguageInEra
  , eraOfScriptLanguageInEra

    -- ** Simple scripts

    -- | Making multi-signature and time-lock scripts.
  , SimpleScript (..)

    -- ** Plutus scripts
  , PlutusScript
  , examplePlutusScriptAlwaysSucceeds
  , examplePlutusScriptAlwaysFails

    -- ** Script data
  , HashableScriptData
  , hashScriptDataBytes
  , getOriginalScriptDataBytes
  , getScriptData
  , unsafeHashableScriptData
  , ScriptData (..)

    -- ** Validation
  , ScriptDataRangeError (..)
  , validateScriptData

    -- ** Conversion to\/from JSON
  , ScriptDataJsonSchema (..)
  , scriptDataFromJson
  , scriptDataToJson
  , ScriptDataJsonError (..)
  , ScriptDataJsonSchemaError (..)
  , ScriptDataJsonBytesError (..)
  , scriptDataJsonToHashable

    -- ** Script execution units
  , ExecutionUnits (..)
  , ExecutionUnitPrices (..)
  , CostModel (..)
  , toAlonzoCostModel
  , fromAlonzoCostModel
  , toAlonzoCostModels

    -- ** Script addresses

    -- | Making addresses from scripts.
  , ScriptHash (..)
  , hashScript

    -- * Serialisation

    -- | Support for serialising data in JSON, CBOR and text files.
  , InputFormat (..)
  , InputDecodeError (..)
  , deserialiseInput
  , deserialiseInputAnyOf
  , renderInputDecodeError
  , SomeAddressVerificationKey (..)
  , deserialiseAnyVerificationKey
  , deserialiseAnyVerificationKeyBech32
  , deserialiseAnyVerificationKeyTextEnvelope
  , renderSomeAddressVerificationKey
  , mapSomeAddressVerificationKey

    -- ** CBOR
  , SerialiseAsCBOR
  , ToCBOR
  , FromCBOR
  , serialiseToCBOR
  , deserialiseFromCBOR

    -- ** JSON
  , ToJSON
  , FromJSON
  , serialiseToJSON
  , deserialiseFromJSON
  , JsonDecodeError (..)
  , readFileJSON
  , writeFileJSON
  , prettyPrintJSON

    -- ** Bech32
  , SerialiseAsBech32
  , serialiseToBech32
  , deserialiseFromBech32
  , deserialiseAnyOfFromBech32
  , Bech32DecodeError (..)
  , UsingBech32 (..)

    -- ** Addresses

    -- | Address serialisation is (sadly) special
  , SerialiseAddress
  , serialiseAddress
  , deserialiseAddress

    -- ** Raw binary

    -- | Some types have a natural raw binary format.
  , SerialiseAsRawBytes
  , serialiseToRawBytes
  , deserialiseFromRawBytes
  , SerialiseAsRawBytesError (..)
  , serialiseToRawBytesHex
  , deserialiseFromRawBytesHex
  , serialiseToRawBytesHexText
  , RawBytesHexError (..)
  , UsingRawBytes (..)
  , UsingRawBytesHex (..)

    -- ** Text envelope

    -- | Support for a envelope file format with text headers and a hex-encoded
    -- binary payload.
  , HasTextEnvelope (..)
  , TextEnvelope (..)
  , TextEnvelopeType (..)
  , TextEnvelopeDescr
  , TextEnvelopeError (..)
  , textEnvelopeTypeInEra
  , textEnvelopeRawCBOR
  , textEnvelopeToJSON
  , serialiseToTextEnvelope
  , deserialiseFromTextEnvelope
  , readFileTextEnvelope
  , writeFileTextEnvelope
  , readTextEnvelopeFromFile
  , readTextEnvelopeOfTypeFromFile

    -- ** Text envelope CDDL

    -- | Support for serialising values in the ledger's CDDL format.
    -- Note, this will be deprecated in the future in favour of a
    -- single API.
  , FromSomeTypeCDDL (..)
  , readFileTextEnvelopeCddlAnyOf
  , deserialiseFromTextEnvelopeCddlAnyOf
  , writeTxFileTextEnvelopeCddl
  , writeTxWitnessFileTextEnvelopeCddl
  , serialiseTxLedgerCddl
  , deserialiseTxLedgerCddl
  , deserialiseByronTxCddl
  , serialiseWitnessLedgerCddl
  , deserialiseWitnessLedgerCddl
  , TextEnvelopeCddlError (..)

    -- *** Reading one of several key types
  , readKeyFile
  , readKeyFileTextEnvelope
  , readKeyFileAnyOf

    -- *** Read one of several types
  , FromSomeType (..)
  , deserialiseFromTextEnvelopeAnyOf
  , readFileTextEnvelopeAnyOf

    -- * Errors
  , Error (..)
  , throwErrorAsException
  , FileError (..)

    -- * Node interaction

    -- | Operations that involve talking to a local Cardano node.

    -- ** Node Config
  , NodeConfig (..)
  , NodeConfigFile
  , readNodeConfig

    -- ** Genesis Files
  , ByronGenesisFile
  , ShelleyGenesisFile
  , AlonzoGenesisFile
  , ConwayGenesisFile

    -- *** Genesis Config
  , GenesisConfig (..)
  , readCardanoGenesisConfig
  , mkProtocolInfoCardano

    -- **** Byron Genesis Config
  , readByronGenesisConfig
  , GenesisHashByron (..)

    -- **** Shelley Genesis Config
  , ShelleyConfig (..)
  , GenesisHashShelley (..)
  , readShelleyGenesisConfig
  , shelleyPraosNonce

    -- **** Alonzo Genesis Config
  , GenesisHashAlonzo (..)
  , readAlonzoGenesisConfig

    -- **** Conway Genesis Config
  , GenesisHashConway (..)
  , readConwayGenesisConfig

    -- *** Environment
  , Env (..)
  , genesisConfigToEnv

    -- ** Queries

    -- ** Submitting transactions

    -- ** High level protocol interaction with a Cardano node

    -- *** Initialization / Accumulation
  , envSecurityParam
  , LedgerState (..)
  , initialLedgerState
  , encodeLedgerState
  , decodeLedgerState
  , applyBlock
  , ValidationMode (..)

    -- *** Traversing the block chain
  , foldBlocks
  , FoldStatus (..)
  , chainSyncClientWithLedgerState
  , chainSyncClientPipelinedWithLedgerState

    -- *** Ledger state conditions
  , ConditionResult (..)
  , fromConditionResult
  , toConditionResult
  , AnyNewEpochState (..)
  , foldEpochState
  , getAnyNewEpochState

    -- *** Errors
  , LedgerStateError (..)
  , FoldBlocksError (..)
  , GenesisConfigError (..)
  , InitialLedgerStateError (..)

    -- ** Low level protocol interaction with a Cardano node
  , connectToLocalNode
  , connectToLocalNodeWithVersion
  , LocalNodeConnectInfo (..)
  , ConsensusModeParams (..)
  , ConsensusProtocol
  , ChainDepStateProtocol
  , ConsensusBlockForEra
  , LocalNodeClientProtocols (..)
  , LocalNodeClientParams (..)
  , mkLocalNodeClientParams
  , LocalChainSyncClient (..)
  --  connectToRemoteNode,

    -- ** Protocol related types
  , BlockType (..)
  , SomeBlockType (..)
  , reflBlockType
  , Protocol (..)
  , ProtocolInfoArgs (..)

    -- *** Chain sync protocol

    -- | To construct a @ChainSyncClient@ see @Cardano.Api.Client@ or
    -- @Cardano.Api.ClientPipelined@.
  , ChainSyncClient (..)
  , ChainSyncClientPipelined (..)
  , BlockInMode (..)
  , LocalNodeClientProtocolsInMode

    -- *** Local tx submission
  , LocalTxSubmissionClient (..)
  , TxInMode (..)
  , TxValidationErrorInCardanoMode (..)
  , SubmitResult (..)
  , submitTxToNodeLocal

    -- *** Local state query
  , LocalStateQueryClient (..)
  , QueryInMode (..)
  , SystemStart (..)
  , QueryInEra (..)
  , QueryInShelleyBasedEra (..)
  , QueryUTxOFilter (..)
  , UTxO (..)
  , queryNodeLocalState
  , executeQueryCardanoMode
  , UnsupportedNtcVersionError (..)

    -- *** Local tx monitoring
  , LocalTxMonitorClient (..)
  , LocalTxMonitoringQuery (..)
  , LocalTxMonitoringResult (..)
  , MempoolSizeAndCapacity (..)
  , queryTxMonitoringLocal
  , TxIdInMode (..)
  , EraHistory (..)
  , getProgress
  , getSlotForRelativeTime

    -- *** Common queries
  , determineEra
  , getLocalChainTip

    -- * Node operation

    -- | Support for the steps needed to operate a node

    -- ** Operational certificates
  , OperationalCertificate
  , OperationalCertificateIssueCounter
  , OperationalCertIssueError
  , getHotKey
  , getKesPeriod
  , getOpCertCount
  , issueOperationalCertificate

    -- * Constitutional Committee keys
  , CommitteeColdKey
  , CommitteeColdExtendedKey
  , CommitteeHotKey
  , CommitteeHotExtendedKey

    -- * Genesis file

    -- | Types and functions needed to inspect or create a genesis file.
  , GenesisKey
  , GenesisExtendedKey
  , GenesisDelegateKey
  , GenesisDelegateExtendedKey
  , GenesisUTxOKey
  , genesisUTxOPseudoTxIn

    -- ** Genesis parameters
  , GenesisParameters (..)

    -- * Special transactions

    -- | There are various additional things that can be embedded in a
    -- transaction for special operations.
  , GenesisKeyDelegationRequirements (..)
  , MirCertificateRequirements (..)
  , makeMIRCertificate
  , makeGenesisKeyDelegationCertificate
  , MIRTarget (..)
  , MIRPot (..)
  , selectStakeCredentialWitness

    -- * Protocol parameter updates
  , UpdateProposal (..)
  , ProtocolParametersUpdate (..)
  , makeShelleyUpdateProposal
  , PraosNonce
  , makePraosNonce
  , NetworkMagic (..)

    -- * Protocol parameters
  , ProtocolParametersConversionError (..)

    -- ** Conversions
  , toLedgerPParams
  , fromLedgerPParams
  , toCtxUTxOTxOut
  -- TODO: arrange not to export these
  , fromNetworkMagic
  , toNetworkMagic
  , fromLedgerTxOuts
  , toLedgerUTxO
  , fromLedgerUTxO
  , runParsecParser
  , SlotsInEpoch (..)
  , SlotsToEpochEnd (..)
  , slotToEpoch

    -- * Node socket related
  , SocketPath
  , NodeToClientVersion (..)

    -- ** Queries
  , executeQueryAnyMode

    -- ** Monadic queries
  , LocalStateQueryExpr
  , executeLocalStateQueryExpr
  , queryExpr
  , chainPointToSlotNo
  , chainPointToHeaderHash
  , makeChainTip
  , writeSecrets

    -- * Convenience functions

    -- ** Transaction construction
  , constructBalancedTx

    -- ** Queries
  , QueryConvenienceError (..)
  , TxCurrentTreasuryValue (..)
  , queryStateForBalancedTx
  , renderQueryConvenienceError

    -- ** Misc
  , ScriptLockedTxInsError (..)
  , TxInsExistError (..)
  , renderNotScriptLockedTxInsError
  , renderTxInsExistError
  , txInsExistInUTxO
  , notScriptLockedTxIns
  , textShow

    -- ** Query expressions
  , queryAccountState
  , queryChainBlockNo
  , queryChainPoint
  , queryCurrentEpochState
  , queryCurrentEra
  , queryDebugLedgerState
  , queryLedgerPeerSnapshot
  , queryEpoch
  , queryConstitutionHash
  , queryEraHistory
  , queryGenesisParameters
  , queryPoolDistribution
  , queryPoolState
  , queryProtocolParameters
  , queryProtocolParametersUpdate
  , queryProtocolState
  , queryStakeAddresses
  , queryStakeDelegDeposits
  , queryStakeDistribution
  , queryStakePoolParameters
  , queryStakePools
  , queryStakeSnapshot
  , querySystemStart
  , queryUtxo
  , queryConstitution
  , queryGovState
  , queryDRepState
  , queryDRepStakeDistribution
  , querySPOStakeDistribution
  , queryProposals
  , queryCommitteeMembersState
  , queryStakeVoteDelegatees

    -- ** Committee State Query
  , MemberStatus (..)
  , CommitteeMembersState (..)

    -- ** DReps
  , DRepKey
  , DRepExtendedKey

    -- ** Governance actions
  , getAnchorDataFromGovernanceAction
  , validateGovActionAnchorData

    -- ** Governance related certificates
  , AnchorDataHash (..)
  , AnchorUrl (..)
  , CommitteeColdkeyResignationRequirements (..)
  , CommitteeHotKeyAuthorizationRequirements (..)
  , DRepRegistrationRequirements (..)
  , DRepUnregistrationRequirements (..)
  , DRepUpdateRequirements (..)
  , makeCommitteeColdkeyResignationCertificate
  , makeCommitteeHotKeyAuthorizationCertificate
  , makeDrepRegistrationCertificate
  , makeDrepUnregistrationCertificate
  , makeDrepUpdateCertificate
  , ResolvablePointers (..)
  , unsafeBoundedRational

    -- ** Supporting modules
  , module Cardano.Api.Monad.Error
  , module Cardano.Api.Pretty

import           Cardano.Api.Address
import           Cardano.Api.Anchor
import           Cardano.Api.Block
import           Cardano.Api.Certificate
import           Cardano.Api.Convenience.Construction
import           Cardano.Api.Convenience.Query
import           Cardano.Api.DeserialiseAnyOf
import           Cardano.Api.DRepMetadata
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.AllegraEraOnwards
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.AlonzoEraOnwards
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.BabbageEraOnwards
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.ByronToAlonzoEra
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.Convert
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.ConwayEraOnwards
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.MaryEraOnwards
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.ShelleyBasedEra
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.ShelleyEraOnly
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.ShelleyToAllegraEra
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.ShelleyToAlonzoEra
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.ShelleyToBabbageEra
import           Cardano.Api.Eon.ShelleyToMaryEra
import           Cardano.Api.Eras
import           Cardano.Api.Eras.Case
import           Cardano.Api.Error
import           Cardano.Api.Feature
import           Cardano.Api.Fees
import           Cardano.Api.Genesis
import           Cardano.Api.GenesisParameters
import           Cardano.Api.Governance.Actions.ProposalProcedure
import           Cardano.Api.Governance.Metadata.DrepRegistration (CIP119 (..))
import           Cardano.Api.Governance.Metadata.GovAction (CIP108 (..))
import           Cardano.Api.Governance.Metadata.Validation
import           Cardano.Api.Hash
import           Cardano.Api.HasTypeProxy
import           Cardano.Api.InMode
import           Cardano.Api.IO
import           Cardano.Api.IPC
import           Cardano.Api.IPC.Monad
import           Cardano.Api.Keys.Byron
import           Cardano.Api.Keys.Class
import           Cardano.Api.Keys.Read
import           Cardano.Api.Keys.Shelley
import           Cardano.Api.LedgerState
import           Cardano.Api.Modes
import           Cardano.Api.Monad.Error
import           Cardano.Api.NetworkId
import           Cardano.Api.OperationalCertificate
import           Cardano.Api.Orphans ()
import           Cardano.Api.Pretty
import           Cardano.Api.Protocol
import           Cardano.Api.ProtocolParameters
import           Cardano.Api.Query hiding (LedgerState (..))
import           Cardano.Api.Query.Expr
import           Cardano.Api.Rewards
import           Cardano.Api.Script
import           Cardano.Api.ScriptData
import           Cardano.Api.SerialiseBech32
import           Cardano.Api.SerialiseCBOR
import           Cardano.Api.SerialiseJSON
import           Cardano.Api.SerialiseLedgerCddl
import           Cardano.Api.SerialiseRaw
import           Cardano.Api.SerialiseTextEnvelope
import           Cardano.Api.SerialiseUsing
import           Cardano.Api.StakePoolMetadata
import           Cardano.Api.Tx.Body
import           Cardano.Api.Tx.Sign
import           Cardano.Api.TxMetadata
import           Cardano.Api.Utils
import           Cardano.Api.Value
import           Cardano.Api.ValueParser