-- | This module provides a library interface that is intended to be
-- the complete API for Byron covering everything, including exposing
-- constructors for the lower level types.
module Cardano.Api.Byron
  ( module Cardano.Api
  , AsType (..)

    -- * Cryptographic key interface
    -- $keys
  , VerificationKey (..)
  , SigningKey (..)
  , SomeByronSigningKey (..)

    -- * Hashes
  , Hash (..)

    -- * Payment addresses

    -- | Constructing and inspecting Byron payment addresses
  , Address (ByronAddress)
  , NetworkId (Mainnet, Testnet)

    -- * Building transactions

    -- | Constructing and inspecting transactions
  , TxId (TxId)
  , TxIn (TxIn)
  , TxOut (TxOut)
  , TxIx (TxIx)

    -- * Signing transactions

    -- | Creating transaction witnesses one by one, or all in one go.
  , ATxAux (..)

    -- ** Incremental signing and separate witnesses
  , KeyWitness (ByronKeyWitness)
  , WitnessNetworkIdOrByronAddress
    ( WitnessNetworkId
    , WitnessByronAddress

    -- * Errors
  , Error (..)
  , FileError (..)

    -- ** Low level protocol interaction with a Cardano node
  , LocalNodeConnectInfo (LocalNodeConnectInfo)
  , LocalNodeClientProtocols (LocalNodeClientProtocols)

    -- *** Chain sync protocol
  , ChainSyncClient (..)

    -- *** Local tx submission
  , LocalTxSubmissionClient (LocalTxSubmissionClient)

    -- *** Local state query
  , LocalStateQueryClient (..)

    -- * Address
  , NetworkMagic (..)

    -- * Update Proposal
  , ByronUpdateProposal (..)
  , ByronProtocolParametersUpdate (..)
  , makeByronUpdateProposal
  , toByronLedgerUpdateProposal
  , makeProtocolParametersUpdate

    -- * Vote
  , ByronVote (..)
  , makeByronVote
  , toByronLedgertoByronVote

    -- ** Conversions
  , fromByronTxIn
  , toByronLovelace
  , toByronNetworkMagic
  , toByronProtocolMagicId
  , toByronRequiresNetworkMagic

    -- * Hardcoded configuration parameters
  , applicationName
  , applicationVersion
  , softwareVersion

    -- * Serialization
  , serializeByronTx
  , writeByronTxFileTextEnvelopeCddl

import           Cardano.Api
import           Cardano.Api.Address
import           Cardano.Api.Keys.Byron
import           Cardano.Api.NetworkId
import           Cardano.Api.SerialiseLedgerCddl
import           Cardano.Api.SpecialByron
import           Cardano.Api.Tx.Body
import           Cardano.Api.Tx.Sign
import           Cardano.Api.Value