module Cardano.Api.Internal.IPC.Version
  ( NodeToClientVersionOf (..)
  , MinNodeToClientVersion

    -- *** Error types
  , UnsupportedNtcVersionError (..)

import Ouroboros.Network.NodeToClient.Version (NodeToClientVersion (..))

-- | The query 'a' is a versioned query, which means it requires the Node to support a minimum
-- Node-to-Client version.
-- Background: The node to client protocol is such that it will disconnect on any
-- unrecognised queries.  This means that for a Node-to-Client connection, if a query is sent
-- that was introduced in a Node-to-Client version that is newer than the Node-To-Client version
-- of the connection, the node will disconnect the client.  The client will not get any
-- information about why the disconnect happened.  This is a bad user experience for tools
-- such as the CLI.
-- To improve the user experience the API needs to prevent the sending of queries that are
-- newer than the Node-To-Client version of the connection by checking the version of the
-- query before sending it.  This affords the ability to return 'UnsupportedNtcVersionError',
-- informing the caller of a Node-To-Client versioning issue.
-- For maintaining typeclass instances, see the 'NodeToClientVersion' type documentation for
-- a list of versions and the queries that were introduced for those versions.
class NodeToClientVersionOf a where
  nodeToClientVersionOf :: a -> NodeToClientVersion

type MinNodeToClientVersion = NodeToClientVersion

data UnsupportedNtcVersionError = UnsupportedNtcVersionError !MinNodeToClientVersion !NodeToClientVersion
  deriving (UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> Bool
(UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> Bool)
-> (UnsupportedNtcVersionError
    -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> Bool)
-> Eq UnsupportedNtcVersionError
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> Bool
== :: UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> Bool
$c/= :: UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> Bool
/= :: UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> Bool
Eq, Int -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> ShowS
[UnsupportedNtcVersionError] -> ShowS
UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> String
(Int -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> ShowS)
-> (UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> String)
-> ([UnsupportedNtcVersionError] -> ShowS)
-> Show UnsupportedNtcVersionError
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> ShowS
$cshow :: UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> String
show :: UnsupportedNtcVersionError -> String
$cshowList :: [UnsupportedNtcVersionError] -> ShowS
showList :: [UnsupportedNtcVersionError] -> ShowS