Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- queryAccountState :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch AccountState))
- queryChainBlockNo :: LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (WithOrigin BlockNo))
- queryChainPoint :: LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError ChainPoint)
- queryConstitution :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Constitution (ShelleyLedgerEra era))))
- queryCurrentEpochState :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SerialisedCurrentEpochState era)))
- queryCurrentEra :: LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError AnyCardanoEra)
- queryDebugLedgerState :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SerialisedDebugLedgerState era)))
- queryEpoch :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch EpochNo))
- queryConstitutionHash :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SafeHash (EraCrypto (ShelleyLedgerEra era)) AnchorData)))
- queryEraHistory :: LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError EraHistory)
- queryGenesisParameters :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (GenesisParameters ShelleyEra)))
- queryPoolDistribution :: BabbageEraOnwards era -> Maybe (Set PoolId) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SerialisedPoolDistribution era)))
- queryPoolState :: BabbageEraOnwards era -> Maybe (Set PoolId) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SerialisedPoolState era)))
- queryProtocolParameters :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (PParams (ShelleyLedgerEra era))))
- queryProtocolParametersUpdate :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map (Hash GenesisKey) ProtocolParametersUpdate)))
- queryProtocolState :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (ProtocolState era)))
- queryStakeAddresses :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> Set StakeCredential -> NetworkId -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map StakeAddress Coin, Map StakeAddress PoolId)))
- queryStakeDelegDeposits :: BabbageEraOnwards era -> Set StakeCredential -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map StakeCredential Coin)))
- queryStakeDistribution :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map (Hash StakePoolKey) Rational)))
- queryStakePoolParameters :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> Set PoolId -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map PoolId StakePoolParameters)))
- queryStakePools :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Set PoolId)))
- queryStakeSnapshot :: BabbageEraOnwards era -> Maybe (Set PoolId) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SerialisedStakeSnapshots era)))
- querySystemStart :: LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError SystemStart)
- queryUtxo :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> QueryUTxOFilter -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (UTxO era)))
- queryLedgerPeerSnapshot :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Serialised LedgerPeerSnapshot)))
- data MemberStatus
- data CommitteeMembersState c = CommitteeMembersState {
- csCommittee :: !(Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole c) (CommitteeMemberState c))
- csThreshold :: !(Maybe UnitInterval)
- csEpochNo :: !EpochNo
- queryCommitteeMembersState :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> Set (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole StandardCrypto) -> Set (Credential 'HotCommitteeRole StandardCrypto) -> Set MemberStatus -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (CommitteeMembersState StandardCrypto)))
- queryDRepStakeDistribution :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> Set (DRep StandardCrypto) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map (DRep StandardCrypto) Coin)))
- querySPOStakeDistribution :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> Set (KeyHash 'StakePool StandardCrypto) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool StandardCrypto) Coin)))
- queryDRepState :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> Set (Credential 'DRepRole StandardCrypto) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map (Credential 'DRepRole StandardCrypto) (DRepState StandardCrypto))))
- queryGovState :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (GovState (ShelleyLedgerEra era))))
- queryStakeVoteDelegatees :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> Set StakeCredential -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map StakeCredential (DRep StandardCrypto))))
- queryProposals :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> Set (GovActionId StandardCrypto) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Seq (GovActionState (ShelleyLedgerEra era)))))
queryAccountState :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch AccountState)) Source #
queryChainBlockNo :: LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (WithOrigin BlockNo)) Source #
queryChainPoint :: LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError ChainPoint) Source #
queryConstitution :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Constitution (ShelleyLedgerEra era)))) Source #
queryCurrentEpochState :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SerialisedCurrentEpochState era))) Source #
queryCurrentEra :: LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError AnyCardanoEra) Source #
queryDebugLedgerState :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SerialisedDebugLedgerState era))) Source #
queryEpoch :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch EpochNo)) Source #
queryConstitutionHash :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SafeHash (EraCrypto (ShelleyLedgerEra era)) AnchorData))) Source #
queryEraHistory :: LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError EraHistory) Source #
queryGenesisParameters :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (GenesisParameters ShelleyEra))) Source #
queryPoolDistribution :: BabbageEraOnwards era -> Maybe (Set PoolId) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SerialisedPoolDistribution era))) Source #
queryPoolState :: BabbageEraOnwards era -> Maybe (Set PoolId) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SerialisedPoolState era))) Source #
queryProtocolParameters :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (PParams (ShelleyLedgerEra era)))) Source #
queryProtocolParametersUpdate :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map (Hash GenesisKey) ProtocolParametersUpdate))) Source #
queryProtocolState :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (ProtocolState era))) Source #
queryStakeAddresses :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> Set StakeCredential -> NetworkId -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map StakeAddress Coin, Map StakeAddress PoolId))) Source #
queryStakeDelegDeposits :: BabbageEraOnwards era -> Set StakeCredential -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map StakeCredential Coin))) Source #
queryStakeDistribution :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map (Hash StakePoolKey) Rational))) Source #
queryStakePoolParameters :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> Set PoolId -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map PoolId StakePoolParameters))) Source #
queryStakePools :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Set PoolId))) Source #
queryStakeSnapshot :: BabbageEraOnwards era -> Maybe (Set PoolId) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (SerialisedStakeSnapshots era))) Source #
querySystemStart :: LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError SystemStart) Source #
queryUtxo :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> QueryUTxOFilter -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (UTxO era))) Source #
queryLedgerPeerSnapshot :: ShelleyBasedEra era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Serialised LedgerPeerSnapshot))) Source #
data MemberStatus Source #
Active | |
Expired | |
Unrecognized | This can happen when a hot credential for an unknown cold credential exists. Such Committee member will be either removed from the state at the next epoch boundary or enacted as a new member. |
data CommitteeMembersState c Source #
CommitteeMembersState | |
Crypto c => ToJSON (CommitteeMembersState c) | |||||
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Api.State.Query.CommitteeMembersState toJSON :: CommitteeMembersState c -> Value # toEncoding :: CommitteeMembersState c -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [CommitteeMembersState c] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [CommitteeMembersState c] -> Encoding # omitField :: CommitteeMembersState c -> Bool # | |||||
Generic (CommitteeMembersState c) | |||||
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Api.State.Query.CommitteeMembersState
from :: CommitteeMembersState c -> Rep (CommitteeMembersState c) x Source # to :: Rep (CommitteeMembersState c) x -> CommitteeMembersState c Source # | |||||
Show (CommitteeMembersState c) | |||||
Crypto c => DecCBOR (CommitteeMembersState c) | |||||
Crypto c => EncCBOR (CommitteeMembersState c) | |||||
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Api.State.Query.CommitteeMembersState encCBOR :: CommitteeMembersState c -> Encoding Source # encodedSizeExpr :: (forall t. EncCBOR t => Proxy t -> Size) -> Proxy (CommitteeMembersState c) -> Size Source # encodedListSizeExpr :: (forall t. EncCBOR t => Proxy t -> Size) -> Proxy [CommitteeMembersState c] -> Size Source # | |||||
Eq (CommitteeMembersState c) | |||||
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Api.State.Query.CommitteeMembersState (==) :: CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c -> Bool Source # (/=) :: CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c -> Bool Source # | |||||
Ord (CommitteeMembersState c) | |||||
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Api.State.Query.CommitteeMembersState compare :: CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c -> Ordering Source # (<) :: CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c -> Bool Source # (<=) :: CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c -> Bool Source # (>) :: CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c -> Bool Source # (>=) :: CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c -> Bool Source # max :: CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c Source # min :: CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c -> CommitteeMembersState c Source # | |||||
type Rep (CommitteeMembersState c) | |||||
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Api.State.Query.CommitteeMembersState type Rep (CommitteeMembersState c) = D1 ('MetaData "CommitteeMembersState" "Cardano.Ledger.Api.State.Query.CommitteeMembersState" "cardano-ledger-api-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "CommitteeMembersState" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "csCommittee") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole c) (CommitteeMemberState c))) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "csThreshold") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe UnitInterval)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "csEpochNo") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedUnpack) (Rec0 EpochNo)))) |
queryCommitteeMembersState :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> Set (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole StandardCrypto) -> Set (Credential 'HotCommitteeRole StandardCrypto) -> Set MemberStatus -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (CommitteeMembersState StandardCrypto))) Source #
Returns info about committee members filtered by: cold credentials, hot credentials and statuses. If empty sets are passed as filters, then no filtering is done.
queryDRepStakeDistribution Source #
:: ConwayEraOnwards era | |
-> Set (DRep StandardCrypto) | An empty DRep set means that distributions for all DReps will be returned |
-> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map (DRep StandardCrypto) Coin))) |
querySPOStakeDistribution Source #
:: ConwayEraOnwards era | |
-> Set (KeyHash 'StakePool StandardCrypto) | An empty SPO key hash set means that distributions for all SPOs will be returned |
-> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool StandardCrypto) Coin))) |
:: ConwayEraOnwards era | |
-> Set (Credential 'DRepRole StandardCrypto) | An empty credentials set means that states for all DReps will be returned |
-> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map (Credential 'DRepRole StandardCrypto) (DRepState StandardCrypto)))) |
queryGovState :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (GovState (ShelleyLedgerEra era)))) Source #
queryStakeVoteDelegatees :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> Set StakeCredential -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Map StakeCredential (DRep StandardCrypto)))) Source #
queryProposals :: ConwayEraOnwards era -> Set (GovActionId StandardCrypto) -> LocalStateQueryExpr block point QueryInMode r IO (Either UnsupportedNtcVersionError (Either EraMismatch (Seq (GovActionState (ShelleyLedgerEra era))))) Source #